Here are the results from the
Last Chance Qualifier tournament that was played during the
VtES European Championship 2011 on November 11th, 2011 in
Poland. The tournament gives the players a last opportunity to qualify for the European Championship tournaments on the followings days. 144(?) players participated in this EC tournament, the standings after 3 rounds and the final were as follows:
1. Gyula Erdos (HUN) -- 3 GW 10 VP -- 1.5 VP -- Nana Buruki & Friends Animalism Combat
2. Martin Varga (SVK) -- 2 GW 8.5 VP -- 1.5 VP -- Lutz & Friends Obf/Pre Vote --
2. Tomasz Zygowski (POL) -- 3 GW 12 VP -- 1 VP -- Lasombra Moncada Bleed/Vote
2. Aleksander Idziak (POL) -- 2 GW 11 VP --0 VP -- Malkavian '94 Obedience(?)
2. Tadziu Dawidowski (POL) -- 2 GW 10 VP -- 0 VP -- Malkavian/Malkavian antitribu Stealth Bleed
Congratulations to
Gyula for winning the LCQ of the EC 2011. 48 players were qualified for the Day 1 tournament and you needed 1 GW 3.5 VP to actually qualify.
Go on reporting. We need results :o)).